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Teacher Award and Professional Development Opportunities

Gains in the Education of Mathematics and Science (GEMS)

GEMS relies on local teachers to work alongside U.S. Army research scientists to provide inquiry-based, hands-on lab experiments and activities as part of their summer STEM day camps across the country. GEMS Teachers receive a stipend based on experience and education level. Applications typically open in January.

Gains in the Education of Mathematics and Science (GEMS) | AEOP

Global Learning Fellowship (NEA)

The Global Learning Fellowship is the NEA Foundation’s unique professional development program for public school educators, centered on deepening global competency skills that empower students to excel and flourish as they navigate our interconnected world. Over the course of a year, the Fellows participate in workshops, webinars, mentoring, an in-person conference and a 10-day international field study. Applications typically open in December.

Global Learning Fellowship – The NEA Foundation

National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT) Awards

NABT provides multiple award opportunities for biology and life science teachers. Visit NABT for more information or click on awards described below:

Outstanding Biology Teacher Award (OBTA)

Recognizes an outstanding biology educator (grades 7-12) in each of the 50 states, Washington, DC, Canada, Puerto Rico, and overseas territories. Candidates must have at least three years of public, private, or parochial school teaching experience; a major portion of the nominee’s career must have been devoted to the teaching of biology/life science. Candidates are judged on teaching ability and experience, school and community involvement, and student-teacher relationships. Nominations close in February. Outstanding Biology Teacher Award

Biology Educator Leadership Scholarship (BELS)

Established to encourage and support teachers who want to further their education in the life sciences. Award recipient must be a practicing educator who is enrolled (or anticipates enrolling) in a graduate program at the Master or Doctoral level. NABT members with less than or equal to ten years of teaching experience are eligible. The award includes $5,000 for tuition assistance, a plaque to be presented at the NABT Professional Development Conference, and a one-year complimentary membership to NABT. Nominations close in March. Awards Information (nabt.org)

Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching

These annual awards are the highest honor bestowed by the United States government specifically for K-12 STEM teachers. Each Awardee receives a certificate signed by the President of the United States, a $10,000 award from the National Science Foundation (NSF), and an all-expense paid trip to an award ceremony in Washington, DC. Nominations for math and science (including computer science) teachers in grades 7-12 open in September. PAEMST

NSTA Awards

NSTA offers 14 award programs that recognize excellence in science teaching at all grade levels with more than $100,000 in cash and prizes available for awardees. Applications are due in December. Visit  NSTA Awards for more information or click on awards described below:

Shell Science Teaching Award

Given annually to recognize an outstanding classroom teacher in grades K-12 who has had a positive impact on his or her students, school, and the community through exemplary science teaching. Awardees receive $10,000 and an all-expense paid trip to an NSTA National Conference. Applications are due in December. Shell Science Teaching Award |  NSTA

International Space Station National Lab - Expedition Space Lab Grant

While every educational organization is encouraged to utilize the free resources available through Expedition Space Lab, the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS, manager of the ISS National Lab) will award up to $10,000 to one organization for the purchase of Expedition Space Lab equipment and kits from Space Station Explorers (SSE) partners for hands-on experiments and lessons. Expedition Space Lab Grant

Become a Space Station Ambassador

Join the ISS community of approximately 2,000 educators and enthusiasts to connect with others and enjoy access to great educational resources. Open to adults including educators, leaders, and lifelong learners.  Space Station Ambassador Program

NSTA Conferences and Web Seminars

The National Science Teaching Association offers a variety of in-person and virtual conferences, events, and webinars throughout the year to enhance and expand your professional growth. Conferences and Events | NSTA

Science Scope Magazine

NSTA’s award-winning, peer-reviewed practitioners’ journal for grade 6-8 teachers is looking for articles that detail innovative, classroom-tested middle school science activities and strategies that demonstrate current research regarding the teaching and learning of science. Consider submitting an article and become a published author.  Guidelines for Authors: Science Scope | NSTA

Teachers Air Camp

At the annual Teachers Air Camp in Dayton, Ohio, educators from across the country participate in a variety of engineering design challenges and learn innovative ways to infuse STEM into lesson plans from STEM professionals at a variety of aviation and aeronautics sites in the area. Applications open from February to April for the July event. Teachers Air Camp

Society for Science Middle School Research Teachers Conference

Sponsored by the Department of Defense (DoDSTEM), the Defense STEM Education Consortium, and Intel Corporation. Seventy-five teachers in grades 6-8 are selected by lottery to attend the conference held annually in Washington, DC. Lottery applications close in May for the July conference. Society for Science

Astronomy in Chile Educator Ambassadors Program (ACEAP)

Five educators at any grade level who teach astronomy as part of their curriculum are selected annually to participate in a 9-day expedition to Chile for a behind-the-scenes tour of the ALMA, CTIO and Gemini observatories and facilities. Observatory staff scientists and engineers will provide guidance on accessing data archives for research and other purposes. Ambassadors also participate in post-travel activities and learn more about Chilean culture and the emerging astro-tourism industry. Applications are due in MayAstronomy in Chile Educator Ambassadors Program

Nautilus Live Ocean Exploration Trust Science Communication Fellowship

Educators at all grade levels are eligible to apply for participation in the Nautilus Corps of Exploration in this year-long experience that includes a training workshop at the University of Rhode Island’s School of Oceanography and sailing 3-4 weeks as part of the Exploration team on a deep-sea oceanographic expedition. All expenses are covered, including travel and substitute costs. Applications open in September. Science Communication Fellowship | Nautilus Live

Humanity in Deep Space

Free webinars with recognized panelists discussing the interconnected issues and hard challenges of life off the planet, ranging from science to health, food, design, economics, governance, and space/planetary ethics that must be addressed as our species continues the transition to deep space. Launched in 2019, this nonprofit initiative involves a broad interdisciplinary group of space professionals, creative thinkers, and organizations committed to a better understanding of how to maintain and extend our humanity as we embrace deep space as part of our living experience. Humanity in Deep Space.

Limitless Space Institute Educator Program

The Limitless Space Institute Educator Program brings K-12 teachers together with exceptional resources to collaborate on the design of new and innovative lesson plans tied to interstellar exploration. Visit Limitless Educators 2023 – Limitless Space Institute to learn more. Applications close in September.

Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellows

Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship Program

The Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship (AEF) Program provides a unique opportunity for accomplished K-12 STEM educators to apply their extensive classroom knowledge and experiences to their host offices to inform federal STEM education efforts. Selected fellows will spend eleven months serving in a federal agency or U.S. Congressional office in Washington, DC, engaged in the national STEM education arena. Applications open in August and close in November. EINSTEIN Albert Einstein Disting… | U.S. DOE Office of Science (SC) (osti.gov)

Grosvenor Teacher Fellowship

National Geographic

The Grosvenor Teacher Fellowship, a professional development opportunity for pre-K–12 classroom teachers, is made possible by a partnership between Lindblad Expeditions and the National Geographic Society. Fellows transfer their onboard voyages with field-based experiences into new ways to teach students, engage colleagues, and bring new geographic awareness into their learning environments and communities. Applications typically open in the Fall. Application | National Geographic Society

NIST Summer Institute

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Summer Institute for Middle School Science Teachers is a two-week workshop hands-on activities, lectures, tours, and visits with NIST scientists and engineers in their laboratories. Applications open in March. NIST Summer Institute | NIST

Society for Science

The Society for Science offers STEM Research Grants and up to 50 teachers each year receive $1,000 for STEM equipment kits to support students completing independent science research. You may also apply to receive up to $5,000 for specialized equipment for your classroom! Submissions are due typically due in October. STEM Research Grants – Society for Science

The Maitland P. Simmons Memorial Award for New Teachers

The Maitland P. Simmons Memorial Award for New Teachers provides teachers in their first five years of teaching with up to $1,000 to attend the annual NSTA National Conference on Science Education. Applications are due in December.  Microsoft Word – Maitland Award Flyer (nsta.org)

The Robert E. Yager Exemplary Teaching Award

The Robert E. Yager Exemplary Teaching Award provides six teachers with a $1,000 award plus up to $1,000 for travel expenses to attend the NSTA National Conference on Science Education. Applications are due in December.  Microsoft Word – Yager Award Flyer (nsta.org)

The Sylvia Shugrue Award for Elementary School Teachers

The Sylvia Shugrue Award for Elementary School Teachers honors an elementary (K-6) school science teacher who has established an interdisciplinary, inquiry-based lesson plan in their classroom. The recipient receives $1,000 and up to $500 for travel expenses to attend the NSTA National Conference on Science Education. Applications are due in December.  Microsoft Word – Shugrue Award Flyer (nsta.org)